If your parents are getting older, and preparing to move into an assisted living facility, you can help them out by making sure that they have all their important documents ready at hand. Medical Record The first thing you need to do is work with your parents to create a comprehensive medical record for each of your parents. For each parent, create a document that details all their past illnesses, tests, surgeries and hospitalizations.
When it comes to caring for elderly parents, there seems to be an outside pressure to keep them out of the nursing home for as long as possible. While this is a great option for a number of families, it isn't always possible and it may not always be in the best interest of your parent. Below are three common situations that arise that may mean it's time to consider nursing home care.
Visiting a friend with dementia can be challenging. One definition of dementia is "deprived of mind" and those affected by it can swing from one emotional extreme to another in minutes. They may communicate well during one visit and be angry and non-verbal the next. If you imagine the person is in a foreign land, where everything is different and confusing, it can help you cope with their behaviors. They aren't trying to be difficult, they are trying to make sense of the world around them.
Often times it can be hard for an adult to transition from living on their own to moving into some type of assisted living location. However, some of these locations feel more like home than others, and a residential care facility is one of these locations. Residential care facilities such as Gateway Living are designed to feel like a home, rather than a doctor's office or hospital type of setting. This article will discuss 3 ways residential care is made to feel more like a real home.
Dealing with a back injury can be frustrating, if not debilitating. When your back is stiff and inflamed, it makes it hard to do anything at all. Regardless of whether your back was injured in a car accident or you simply pulled it by lifting something too heavy, you need to take action to help strengthen your back and get back to doing all the things you enjoy. Here are a few different tips you can use to get your back into shape and minimize future injuries.
Sometimes things don't work out as we have planned them to. Instead of being able to take care of your aging parent in your home for several years, it may prove to be more difficult than you first thought. I brought my mother to live with my family hoping to enjoy her final years with her, but it didn't work out well for any of us. I wasn't able to care for her the way that she deserved to be cared for. Our blog will provide you with information about making the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home.