moving your loved one into a nursing home

moving your loved one into a nursing home

4 Signs You Need To Take Your Senior Parents To A Senior Living Facility

Alisa Mantyla

You have known your parents to be the strongest and most independent individuals. Unfortunately, as years go by, they start to age and lose their abilities. They begin demanding active caregiving services to handle their day-to-day activities. Thankfully, you can improve their lives by enrolling them in a senior living facility. If you are afraid you might be wrong, here are signs you need to consider a senior living community.

1. Frequent Fall Injuries

Fall injuries can be severe and sometimes fatal. They often lead to head injuries, fractures, and broken bones. The older adults get, the less stable they become, which increases the chances of an accident. They become more prone to missing stairs and falling. If your loved ones live alone, it can be hard to prevent such incidents.

You might want to think about a senior living arrangement. These facilities have caregivers constantly monitoring and helping the seniors with every move. Besides, most of these facilities are designed to prevent injuries. They have anti-slip surfaces and supporting rails to minimize such accidents.

2. Chronic Medical Conditions

Many senior adults suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes or dementia. As they grow older, their immune systems tend to weaken. They need proper care, constant monitoring, and medical assistance to slow the progression of these chronic conditions.

Other conditions like dementia progress rapidly every time your loved one misses medication. Caregivers in the facilities can help them keep tabs on their medication. The facilities also respond to medical emergencies and can help with scheduling medical appointments.

3. Lost Independence

For older adults, even the simplest tasks can be overwhelming. You might discover that your loved one's recent rapid weight loss is due to forgetting to cook or eat. They might find fetching groceries at a local store to be a difficult task.

The loss of independence greatly affects their quality of life. Your loved one needs help maintaining their weight, health, and personal hygiene. Caregivers at the senior living facilities are well-trained to help clients handle their daily responsibilities.

4. Isolation and Loneliness

The older you get, the smaller your circle of friends becomes. It's even worse in your golden years when some of your friends pass on, and everyone else is busy with their lives. Your parents may feel lonely and isolated, affecting their mental health. It might be time to enroll them in a facility where they can meet new friends and age mates with whom they share interests. These facilities also encourage a wide range of activities to foster social interactions and keep the boredom at bay.

These are some of the common warning signs you should not ignore. It could be time to discuss taking your aging parents to the senior living facility with your family. For more information, contact a company like Autumn Manor.


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moving your loved one into a nursing home

Sometimes things don't work out as we have planned them to. Instead of being able to take care of your aging parent in your home for several years, it may prove to be more difficult than you first thought. I brought my mother to live with my family hoping to enjoy her final years with her, but it didn't work out well for any of us. I wasn't able to care for her the way that she deserved to be cared for. Our blog will provide you with information about making the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home.
